2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2002 • 2001 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997-96
Abstracts 2012
Abou Hachem, M., M. Møller, F. Fredslund, J. M. Andersen, A. Majumder, H. Nakai, S. J. Lahtinen, Y. J. Goh, T. R. Klaenhammer, R. Barrangou, L. Lo Leggio, and B. Svensson. 2012. The routes of uptake and catabolism of isomaltooligosaccharides in probiotic bacteria. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid, Spain.
Andersen, J.M, Majumder, A., Ejby, M., Barrangou, R., Goh, Y.J., Lahtinen, S.J., Jacobsen, S., Abou Hachem, M., Klaenhammer, T., Svensson, B. 2012. Prebiotic utilization by Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 and framework for protein discovery. ASM, Beneficial Microbes.
Andersen, J.M., Majumder, A.; Fredslund, F.1; Ejby, M.; van Zanten, G.C ;Barrangou, R.; Goh, Y.J.; Lahtinen, S.J.; Lo Leggio, L.; Coutinho, P.M. Jacobsen, S.; Abou Hachem, M.; Klaenhammer, T.; Svensson, B. Prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharide utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. 2012. Establishment of a methodological platform for protein discovery. Danish Conference on Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Copenhagen.
Call, E, Y. J. Goh, S. O’Flaherty, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2012. Characterization of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus gasseri deficient in sortase-dependent cell surface proteins. 10th Annual Meeting of the International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics. Cork, Ireland.
Call, E., Yong Jun Goh, Sarah O’Flaherty, Kurt Selle & Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2012. Characterization of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus gasseri deficient in sortase-dependent cell surface proteins. ISAPP, Cork Ireland.
Campbell, R.E. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Enzymatic bleaching of fluid whey and retentate at cold temperatures ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ.
Campbell, R.E. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Stability of lactoperoxidase over refrigerated and frozen storage in fluid milk, whey, and retentate and its use for the bleaching of fluid retentate. IFT Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV.
Campbell, R.E., Boogers, I., and Drake, M.A. 2012. Development of a novel method for the extraction of norbixin from whey and its subsequent quantification via high performance liquid chromatography IFT Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV.
Desai, N. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Sensory properties and consumer acceptance of Greek and Greek style yogurts. IFT Annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Drake, M.A. 2012. Challenges with sodium reduction. The influence of sodium on flavor and flavor development. IFT Symposium, Las Vegas, NV.
Fox, A. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Norbixin interactions in Cheddar cheese whey. IFT Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV.
Jervis, S.M. and Drake, M.A. 2012. A comparison of choice based conjoint versus adaptive choice based conjoint to evaluate drivers of choice for sour cream. IFT Annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Kang, E.J. and Drake, M.A. 2012. The impact of pasteurization temperature on the bleaching of fluid whey. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ.
Kang, E.J., Kim, M.K., McMahon, D. and Drake, M.A. 2012. The impact of cation substitution on the flavor of reduced sodium full fat Cheddar cheese. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Kim, M.K., Leksrisompong, P.P., and Drake, M.A. 2012. The role of brand on consumer acceptance of sour cream. IFT Annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Klaenhammer, T.R. Harris Lecture – 2012 OVIFT Symposium – The Ohio State University New Frontiers in Microbes & Health – A Light in the Tract.
Li, X. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Application of bixin as an alternative colorant for Cheddar cheese. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Park, C.W., Bastian, E., Farkas, B., Drake, M.A. 2012. The effect of acidification of retentate on the flavor of spray dried whey protein concentrate. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Patton, J.Q., McMahon, D.J. and Foegeding,E.A. 2012. Whey protein microgels as a fat mimetic in cheddar cheese. 6th International Dairy Federation Cheese Ripening & Technology Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Selle, K., Yong Jun Goh, Sarah O’Flaherty, and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2012. Establishment of upp-based counterselective gene replacement system in Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC 33323. ISAPP, Cork Ireland.
Selle, K., Y. J. Goh, S. O’Flaherty, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2012. Establishment of upp-based counterselective gene replacement system in Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC 33323 4th American Society for Microbiology Conference on Beneficial Microbes. San Antonio, Texas.
Shepard, L., Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2012. Relating sensory and chemical properties to consumer acceptance of sour cream. IFT Annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Smith, T.J. and Drake, M.A. 2012. Norbixin partitioning in full fat and fat free Cheddar cheese. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
White, S.S. and Drake, M.A. 2012. The role of different sweeteners on WPI flavor contributions in acidic protein beverages. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
White, S.S., Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2012. Instrumental measure of temporal volatile release from cheese. ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Abstracts 2011
Durmaz, E, and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2011. Comparison of Three Genomes of Human Lactobacillus gasseri strains. 10th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, ABSTRACT C122
Goh, Y.J. and Todd R. Klaenhammer 2011. Functional analysis of a putative glycogen metabolism gene cluster in Lactobacillus acidophilus. 10th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, ABSTRACT F036
Jervis, S., K. Lopetcharat, M.A. Drake 2011. Determining the drivers of choice for latte-style coffee beverages. Pangborn Sensory Science Meeting, Sept 5-8, Toronto, Canada
Jervis, S.M., Campbell, R. E., Wojciechowski, K., Barbano, D. M., Drake. M. A. 2011. Impact of bleaching whey on the sensory and functional properties of 80% whey protein concentrate. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 68.
Kang, E.J. and Drake, M.A. 2011.Alternative bleaching methods for 80% whey protein concentrate. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 67.
Kim, M., K. Lopetcharat, M.A. Drake. 2011. Influence of brand and package on consumer liking of chocolate milk. Pangborn Sensory Science Meeting, Sept 5-8, Toronto, Canada [P2.2.12]
Kim, M.K., Lopetcharat, K., and Drake, M.A. 2011. Consumer awareness of salt and sodium reduction in the US food industry. IFT Annual Meeting, June 12-15, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 2247.
Kim, M. K., R. E. Miracle, D. J. McMahon, and M. A. Drake. 2011. The impact of sodium reduction on the flavor, texture and flavor chemistry of full fat and low fat Cheddar cheese. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract M147.
Klaenhammer, T.R. 2011. Genomics of lactobacilli: genes to traits. Proceedings of the FASAB Summer Research Symposium on Probiotics, Intestinal Microbiota and the Host: Physiological and Clinical Implications. July 24-29, Carefree AZ. Abstract/Invited Lecture
Leksrisompong, P.P., Lopetcharat, K., Gerard, P.D., and Drake, M.A. 2011. Bitter taste inhibition in whey protein hydrolysate and whey protein hydrolysate beverages. IFT Annual Meeting, June 12-15, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 2153.
Li, X. and Drake, M.A. 2011. The influence of process time and heat treatment on bleaching efficacy of liquid whey and retentate. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract M142.
Listiyani, M. A., R. E. Campbell, R. E. Miracle, L. O. Dean, and M. A. Drake. 2011.
Impact of bleaching on flavor of 34% whey protein concentrate and benzoic acid concentration in dried whey proteins. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract M143.
O’Flaherty S., and Klaenhammer, T.R. (2011). Gene Expression Analysis of Human Intestinal Epithelial cells Exposed to Lactic Acid Bacteria. 10th International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
Schneider, M.E., Foegeding, E.A., Increasing Whey Protein Heat Stability through Calcium Chelators and Removal of pH 4.6 Insoluble Aggregates.
Selle, K, Yong Jun Goh1, Mansour Mohamadzadeh2, and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2011. Differentiation and characterization of immunomodulatory attributes associated with surface layer proteins A, B, and X of Lactobacillus acidophilus, in the absence of lipoteichoic acid. 10th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, ABSTRACT C077
Smith, T.J. and Drake, M.A. 2011. Bleaching efficacy of ozone gas in liquid whey and its effects on flavor of 80% whey protein concentrate. Joint Annual Meeting, ADSA-ASAS, July 10-14, New Orleans, LA. Abstract M146.
White, S.S., Jervis, S.M., and Drake, M.A. 2011. The role of instantization on flavor formation during whey protein beverage processing steps. IFT Annual Meeting, June 12-15, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 2148.
Barden, L.M., McMahon, D.J., and Foegeding, E.A. Investigating the filled gel model for the role of fat in cheese. Book of abstracts. July 18, 2010. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Campbell, R.E., Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2010. The impact of starter culture and annatto on the flavor and functionality of whey protein concentrate. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 12-16. Abstract 128
Campbell, R.E., Miracle, R.E., Drake, M.A. 2010. Sensory and volatile analysis of annatto in fluid whey. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 154-04.
Childs, J.L., Lopetcharat, K., and Drake, M.A. 2010. Influence of regional labeling on consumer perception of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 160-18.
Drake, M.A. 2010. Sensory frontiers in texture measurement. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 173-04. (symposium)
Drake, S.L. and Drake, M.A. 2010. Sensory profiles of different sea salts from around the world. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 160-13.
Fox, K., Childs, J., Jervis, S., Miracle, R.E., Drake, M.A. 2010. The impact of heating and
acidification on flavor of whey protein isolate. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago IL July 18-20. Accepted. Abstract D-54
Kang, E.Y. and Drake, M.A. 2010. Acid activated bentonite as an alternative for peroxide bleaching of whey. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 184-06.
Kang, E.J., Drake, M.A. 2010. Bleaching liquid Cheddar whey using ultraviolet radiation. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 12-16. Abstract M176
Kim, M., Drake, S.L., Senel, E., and Drake, M.A. 2010. Desirable flavor compound concentrations in low fat Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 18-21. Abstract 154-05.
Listiyani, M.A.D., Campbell, R.E., Miracle, R.E., Barbano, D.M., and Drake, M.A. 2010. Impact of temperature and fat content on bleaching of liquid whey.
ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 12-16. Abstract M175
Nannapaneni, Soni, K., R. W. Schilling, and V. Jackson. 2010. Bactericidal activity of GRAS lauric arginate against Listeria monocytogenes in milk and Queso fresco cheese, Abstract approved for presentation at the International Association for Food Protection, Aug 1-4, 2010, Anaheim, CA.
O’Flaherty, S. and T.R. Klaenhammer (2010). Influence of Lactobacillus acidophilus and yogurt on gene expression in human intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. USA/Ireland Functional Foods Conference 2010.
Ryan, K.N., B. Vardhanabhuti, and E.A. Foegeding. Aggregation mechanism of whey protein soluble aggregates at neutral pH. K.N. Ryan*, B. Vardhanabhuti, and E.A. Foegeding. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 17-20, 2010. Chicago, IL.
Allen, J. C. Introduction to the Symposium, Vitamin D and health: Implications for the food industry. IFT Annual Meeting Technical Research Papers. 133-01. June 8, 2009.
Allen, J.C. Development of a Professional Science Master’s Degree in Nutrition, Food and Feed Sciences. IFT Annual Meeting Technical Research Papers. 100-01. June 8, 2009.
Asghar, A., Anjum F.M., Allen, J.C., Differential scanning calorimetry study of frozen dough: Effect of modified whey protein concentrates during storage. 069-03 and 059-05. Dairy. June 7, 2009.
Buck, B. L., M. A. Azcarate-Peril, S. O’Flaherty, and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2009. Probiotic trait directed by quorum sensing pathways in Lactobacillus acidophilus. Proceedings of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA., June 2009.
Mudgal, P., Daubert, C. R., Foegeding E. A.,Conference of Food Engineering book of abstracts (Columbus, OH, 2009) Cold-thickening mechanism of β-lactoglobulin at low pH: Concentration and kinetic effects. NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7624, USA
Croissant, A.E. and Drake, M.A. 2009. Extraction and quantification of annatto from liquid whey by HPLC and UV/Vis spectrophotometry. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 251-09.
Croissant, A.E., Kang, E.J., Campbell, R.E., Bastian, E., and Drake, M.A. 2009. Impact of bleaching on the flavor of whey protein concentrate. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 11-16. Abstract 751.
Douglas, G., Y. J. Goh, S. O’Flaherty and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2009. Effect of the surface associated fibronectin binding protein, FbpA, of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM on adherence to fibronectin and human intestinal epithelial cells, in vitro. American Society for Microbiology 109th General Meeting, May 2009.
Fogleman, A.D., J.C. Allen. (2009) Effect of storage time and temperature on indicators of nutritional quality or spoilage in pumped human milk. FASEB. J. 23:546.7
Goh, Y. J. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2009. Functional analysis of a putative aggregation-promoting factor in Lactobacillus acidophilus. Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences: Microbes and Health, November 2009.
Evans, J. P., J. Zulewska, M. Newbold, D. M. Barbano, and M. A. Drake. 2009. Comparison of composition, sensory and volatile components of 80% whey protein and serum protein concentrates. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 11-16. Abstract T 73.
Kang, E.J., Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2009. Optimization of volatile compound recovery from whey proteins by solid phase microextraction. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 251-15.
Kim, M., Senel, E., Drake, S.L., and Drake, M.A. 2009. The influence of fat on the sensory threshold and odor activity values of key flavor components of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 200-03.
Leksrisompong, P., Barbano, D.M., Foegeding, E.A., Gerard, P.D., and Drake, M.A. 2009. The roles of fat and pH on detection thresholds and partition coefficients of volatile compounds in water, oil and emulsions. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 158-03.
Liaw, I. and Drake, M.A. 2009. Flavor and flavor stability of Mozzarella and Cheddar whey. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 023-14.
Liaw, I., Eshpari, H., Tong, P.S., and Drake, M.A. 2009. The impact of antioxidant addition on flavor stability of Cheddar whey and whey protein. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 11-16. Abstract T 72.
Ryan, K.N., Vardhanabhuti, B. and Foegeding E.A. Modifying whey proteins to improve heat stability and clarity., Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 92, E-supplement 1, Page 133.
O’Flaherty and T.R. Klaenhammer 2009. Phenotypic characterization of genes from Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM involved in cell surface morphology and adherence to Caco2 cells. 109th ASM General Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
O’Flaherty, S. and T.R. Klaenhammer 2009. Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus on gene expression of human intestinal epithelial cells. Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium on Microbes and Health, CA, USA.
Patterson, K.W., V. D. Truong, J.C. Allen. 2009. Effect of pepsin hydrolysis on amylase activity and lack of amylase inhibitory activity of sweet potato protein. FASEB J. 23:717.9
Pfeiler, E. A., M. Andrea Azcarate Peril and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2009. Microarray analysis of a two-component regulatory system involved in bile tolerance in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology 109th General Meeting, May 2009.
Watson, D., Miracle, R.E., Drake, M.A. 2009. Optimization of recovery of key Cheddar cheese flavor compounds from full fat and reduced fat Cheddar cheeses. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 11-16. Abstract M 67.
Whitson, M.E., Bastian, E., and Drake, M.A. 2009. Effect of liquid retentate storage on flavor of spray dried whey protein concentrate and isolate. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 6-10. Abstract 023-16.
Whitson, M.E., Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2009. Identification of chemical components responsible for cardboard flavor in whey proteins. ASAS/ADSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 11-16. Abstract W 85.
Foegeding, E.A., Vardhanabhuti, B. and Yong, Y.H. 2008. Controlling protein aggregation through interactions with polysaccharides and chaperone proteins. Abstract book of the 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Singapore.
Fogleman, A.D., Summers, C.R., Hickman, H.J., Turner, L.G. and Allen, J.C. 2008 Developing an internet-based course on milk and dairy products. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 86, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 1, p. 98.
Goh, Y.J., Durmaz, E., Valence, F., Mollé, D., Lortal, S., Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. A markerless gene replacement system for Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM with UPP-Based counter-selection strategy. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of Lactic Acid Bacteria. August 31-September 4th, 2008.
Goh, Y.J., Valence, F., Mollé, D., Lortal, S., Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Functional analysis of the S-Layer genes in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of Lactic Acid Bacteria. August 31-September 4th, 2008.
Grant, L., Dixon, E. and Allen, J.C. Chloride and phosphate concentrations in reduced salt soup. NCSU Summer Research Symposium. July 30, 2008.
Kocaoglu-Vurma, N. A., Eliardi, A., Drake, M.A., Rodriguez-Saona1, L.E. and Harper, W.J. The effect of culture combinations on swiss cheese flavor quality. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11 Abstract T53
Lloyd, M. and Drake, M.A. 2008 Effect of nitrogen flushing and storage temperature on whole milk powder flavor. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 28-July 1 Abstract 050-02.
Lloyd, M. and Drake, M.A. 2008 Flavor profiles and volatile compounds of skim milk powder stored up to 29 years. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 28-July 1 Abstract 051-08.
Metzger, L.E., Chandran, S., Daubert, C.R., Yurgec, M. and Ramsey, S. 2008 Effect of fat reduction on the functional properties of slice on slice process cheese. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11 Abstract 138
Miracle, R.E., McMahon, D.J. and Drake, M.A. 2008 Flavor chemistry of cheddar cheeses with varying fat contents. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11 Abstract T46.
Mudgal, P., Daubert, C.R. and Foegeding, E.A. 2008 Cold-gelation mechanism of β-lactoglobulin at low pH: Concentration and ionic strength effects. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 28-July 1 Abstract 051-05.
Mudgal, P., Daubert, C.R., Foegeding, E.A. Cold-thickening mechanism of β-lactoglobulin at low pH: Concentration and kinetic effects. Conference of Food Engineering book of abstracts, Columbus, OH, 2009.
O’Flaherty, S. and Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Whole genome expression analysis of human intestinal epithelial cells in response to Lactobacillus acidophilus. Proceedings Ninth Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Abstract C042.
O’Flaherty, S. and Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Functional Characterization of Two Putative Myosin Cross Reactive Antigen Genes from Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. 108th ASM General Meeting, Boston, USA.
Pfeiler, E. and Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Characterization of Transporter Proteins Involved in Bile Tolerance in Lactobacillus acidophilus. Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology. Abstract.
Pfeiler, E., Azcarate-Peril, M.A., Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Characterization of bile tolerance genes in L. acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. August 31-September 4.
Ramos da Conceicao Neta, E., Miracle, E. and Drake, M.A. 2008 Characterization of pyrazine compounds contributing to earthy/bell pepper flavor in Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 28-July 1 Abstract 050-01.
Rogers, N.R., Drake, M.A. and Foegeding, E.A. 2008. The effect of aging on low, reduced, and full fat cheddar cheese on texture. J. Dairy Sci. 91:, E-Suppl.1, 14.
Rogers, N.R., Drake, M.A. and Foegeding, E.A. The effect of aging on low, reduced, and full fat cheddar cheese on texture. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11 Abstract 741
Schroeter, J., Sanzoky-Dawes, R.B. and Klaenhammer, T.R. 2008. Genotypic analysis of Lactobacillus gasseri strains using suppressive subtractive hybridization. Abstract for the 2008 Molecular Biotechnology Training Program (MBTP) Research Symposium. NCSU OCT 28th.
Vardhanabhuti, B., Foegeding, E.A., Yucel, U. and Coupland, J. 2008 Interaction between ß-lactoglobulin and dextran sulfate at near neutral pH and their effect on thermal stability. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11 Abstract W68
Vardhanabhuti, B., Foegeding, E.A., Yucel, U., and Coupland, J. 2008. Interaction between-lactoglobulin and dextran sulfate at near neutral pH and their effect on thermal stability. J. Dairy Sci. 91:, E-Suppl.1, 215.
Yang, X., Berry, T.K. (co-author), and Foegeding, E.A. 2008 Effects of sucrose on the foaming and interfacial properties of whey protein isolate and egg white protein mixtures. ADSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-11Abstract 40
Yang, X., Berry, T.K., Foegeding, E.A. 2008. Effects of sucrose on the foaming and interfacial properties if whey protein isolate and egg white protein mixtures. J. Dairy Sci. 91:, E-Suppl.1, 82.
Yong, Y.H. and Foegeding, E.A. 2008. Effects of beta-casein on thermal stability of beta-lactoglobulin. IDF Dairy Science and Technology Week. Quebec City, Canada.
Zulewska, J., Barbano, D.M., Newbold, M.W., Drake, M.A., Foegeding, E.A and Moraru, C. 2008. Thirty-four percent whey (WPC) and serum protein (SPC) concentrate and 65% serum protein (SP) reduced micellar casein: production and composition. J. Dairy Sci. 91:, E-Suppl.1, 407.
Asghar, A., F. M. Anjum, J. C. Allen, C. R. Daubert, S. R. Ramsey. 2007 Effect of whey protein concentrates as functional ingredients on physical and thermal dynamic rheological properties of wheat flour dough. IFT Annual Meeting: Book of Abstracts. 183-03
Azcarate-Peril, M. A. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2007. Temporal global transcriptome analysis of Lactobacillus acidophilus during growth in milk. American Dairy Science Association, July 8-11, 2007.Abstract W76. J. Dairy Sci 90 (Suppl. 1): p487
Beecher, J., Krause, A.J., Steed, L., and Drake, M.A. 2007. Off-flavor carry-through of WPI and WPC80 in protein shakes and acid beverages. 9th Annual Dairy Ingredients Symposium & 3rd International Spray Dried Milk Conference, San Francisco, CA. Feb 26-28. Abstract 14
Berry T, Yang X., Foegeding EA. 2007. Analysis of bubble size distributions of foams made from whey protein isolate and egg white protein alone and in combination. Book of Abstracts for Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems: Physically-Inspired Approaches From Nanoscale To Microscale.
Childs, J. and Drake, M.A. 2007. Understanding consumer perception of low-fat cheese. Pangborn Sensory Science meeting, Minneapolis, MN August 12 – 16th. Abstract P26
Duong, T., and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2007. Development and characterization of a protein expression system for use in lactobacilli. American Society for Microbiology, 2007. May 21-24, 2007.
Durmaz, E., and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2007. Food Grade Cloning of Abortive Phage Resistance Determinant AbiZ. American Society for Microbiology, 2007. May 21-24, 2007. Abstract.
Ergun R., Price K., Hartel R.W., Daubert C.R. and Velev O. 2007. Attributes of milk crystallinity at slow cooling rates. American Oil Chemists Society Annual Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec.
Goh, Y.J, Florence Valence, Daniel Mollé, Sylvie Lortal and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2007. A Markerless Gene Replacement System for Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM with upp-based Counterselection Strategy. American Society for Microbiology, 2007. May 21-24, 2007. Abstract.
Klaenhammer, T.R. 2007. Genomic evolution of lactic acid bacteria.- genes to traits. 15th Colloque du Club des Bacteries Lactiques. November 13, Rennes, France.
Klaenhammer, T.R., A. Azcarate Peril, B.L. Buck, R Barrangou, and E. Altermann. 2007. Genomics of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Intl. Dairy Federation, Fermented Milks – Technology and Nutrition, Moscow, Russia.
Klaenhammer, T.R. 2007. Functional genomics of probiotic bacteria. Proceedings of the 4th Probiotics-prebiotics & New Foods. Rome, Italy. Abstract.
Miracle, R.E., Croissant, A.E., Lloyd, M.A., and Drake, M.A. 2007. Impact of storage temperature on flavor stability of low heat skim milk powder. Joint Annual Meeting of ADSA, ASAS, PSA and AMPA, San Antonio, TX, July 8-12, Abstract T113.
O’Flaherty, S. and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2007. Identification and Characterization of Three Potential Pullulanase genes in the Genome of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. American Society for Microbiology, 2007. May 21-24, Abstract.
Price, K., Daubert C.R. and Hartel R.. 2007 The influence of cooling schedules on the shear rheology of processed cheese. Presentation 030-03. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL
Price K., Daubert C.R., Hartel R., Velev O. 2007 Cooling rate effects on the rheology of bulk milk fat. Presentation 096-24. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL
Tallon, R., B. Logan Buck, Eric Altermann, Florence Valence, Daniel Mollé, Sylvie Lortal, and Todd Klaenhammer. 2007. Involvement of Multiple Cell-Surface Proteins in the Adherence of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM to Mucin. American Society for Microbiology, 2007. May 21-24, 2007. Abstract.
Wright, J.M. and Drake, M.A. 2007. Flavor development of whey proteins throughout processing. 9th Annual Dairy Ingredients Symposium & 3rd International Spray Dried Milk Conference, San Francisco, CA. Feb 26-28. Abstract 12
Wright, J.M. Miracle, R.E., and Drake, M.A. 2007. Characterization of cucumber off-flavor in whey protein concentrate and isolate. Joint Annual Meeting of ADSA, ASAS, PSA and AMPA, San Antonio, TX, July 8-12, Abstract T112.
Yang X, Berry T, Foegeding EA. 2007. Foaming and interfacial properties of whey protein isolate and egg white protein combinations. IFT AMFE Technical Program and Book of Abstracts. 293.
Zevchak, S.E., Wright, J.M., Wright, B.J., and Drake, M.A. 2007. Impact of agglomeration on whey protein flavor and flavor stability IFT Annual Meeting, July 28 – Aug 1, Chicago, IL abstract 055-28.
Beecher, J., A. Krause, L. Steed and M.A. Drake. 2006. Off-flavor Carry-through of WPI and WPC80 in Protein Shakes and Acid Beverages. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 054B-07.
Carunchia Whetstine, M., M.A. Drake, J. Broadbent and D. McMahon. 2006. Control of Nutty Flavor Formation in Cheddar Cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-07.
Caudle, A., M.A. Drake and R. Thompson. Flavor Formation in Skim Milk Powder. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 054B-06.
Croissant, A.E., L. Dean, S. Washburn and M.A. Drake. 2006. Evaluation of Chemical Properties and Consumer Perception of Fluid Milk from Conventional and Pasture-based Production Systems. ADSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13. Abstract T54.
Drake, M.A., M. Carunchia Whetstine, P. Courtney, K. Fligner, J. Jenkins and C. Pruitt. 2006. Compounds Associated with Umami Taste in Cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-06S.
Klaenhammer, T.R. 2006. Genomics in Food Microbiology: from Genes to Traits. Proceedings of Food Micro 2006 Meeting, Bologna, Italy. August 29-September 2.
Klaenhammer, T.R. Insights from Genomic Sequences. 2nd Gut Impact Platform Meeting on Foods and Intestinal Health. Proceedings. Tallinn, Estonia. September, 2006.
Klaenhammer, T.R., A. Azcarate-Peril, B.L. Buck and E. Altermann. Comparative and Functional Genomics of Probiotic Lactobacilli. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Probiotics and Prebiotics, Mexico City, Mexico. May, 2006.
Kocaoglu-Vurma, A.N., W.J. Harper, M.A. Drake and P.D. Courtney. 2006. Characteristics of Swiss Cheese Manufactured with Adjunct Lactobacillus Strains Using Low Cooking Temperature. ADSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13. Abstract W50.
Krause, A., K. Lopetcharat and M.A. Drake. 2006. Identification of the Sensory Characteristics that Drive the Consumer Interest in Butter. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-13.
Krause, A., M.A. Drake, R. Thompson, T. Saunders and L. Dean. 2006. Effect of Refrigerated and Frozen Storage on Butter Flavor and Texture. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-22.
Lozano, P., K. Cadwallader and M.A. Drake. 2006. Instrumental and Sensory Characterization of Heat-induced Odorants in Aseptic Packaged Soy Milk. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 039F-12.
Miracle, R.E., A.E. Croissant, M.A. Lloyd, S.E. Zevchek and M.A. Drake. 2006. Impact of Storage on Sensory Profiles and Volatile Components of Skim Milk Powder. ADSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13. Abstract T53.
Miracle, R.E., M. Lloyd, M.A. Drake. 2006. Characterization and Identification of an Off-flavor in Butter. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-14.
Pfeiler, E.A., M.A. Azcarate-Peril and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2006. Characterization of a Two-component Regulatory System Implicated in the Bile Tolerance of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. ADSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13. Abstract T63.
Simpson, J., M. Lovett, M. Kim and M.A. Drake. 2006. Consumer Knowledge of Artisanal and Farmstead Cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C-01.
Swaisgood, H.E., and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2006. Contributions to the Dairy Industry by the Food Science Department at North Carolina State University. Poster presented at the ADSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13.
Yates, M. and M.A. Drake. 2006. The Impact of Age and Fat Content on Texture Properties and Consumer Acceptance of Gouda Cheeses. IFT Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 24-28. Abstract 078C.
Bang, W., D.A. Clare, G. Cartwright and M.A. Drake. 2005. Impact of a piggyback heat exchanger system on the shelf-life of pasteurized fluid milk. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-29.
Beecher, J.W., M.A. Drake, and E.A. Foegeding. 2005. Factors determining flavor and stability of acidic whey protein beverages. 4th International Whey Protein Conference Proceedings, Sept. 11-14, 2005, Chicago, IL.
Buck, B. Logan, M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril, and Todd R. Klaenhammer. 2005. Influence of environmental conditions and interspecies signaling on intestinal adhesion, in vitro, of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. American Society for Microbiology, Conference on Beneficial Microbes, Lake Tahoe, NV. Abstract 24C, pp. 38
Carunchia Whetstine, M.E., P.J. Luck, M.A. Drake, and E.A. Foegeding. 2005. Characterization of flavor and texture development within 291 kg blocks of milled and stirred curd Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-9.
Carunchia Whetstine, M.E., Drake, M.A., Nelson, B.K., Barbano, D. 2005. Flavor profiles of full fat, reduced fat and cheese fat with the fat removed using a novel process. Joint ADSA-ASAS meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract 158.
Caudle, A.D., Y. Yoon, and M.A. Drake. 2005. Influence of skim milk powder flavor variability on consumer acceptability of ingredient applications. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-41.
Clare, D.A., W.S. Bang, G. Cartwright, M.A. Drake, P. Coronel, and J. Simunovic. 2005. Comparison of microwave and UHT heating methods on sensory, microbiological, and biochemical parameters of fluid skim milk. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20, New Orleans, LA. Abstract 52-6.
Coronel, P., J. Simunovic and K.P. Sandeep. 2005. Determination of the feasibility of processing food materials using continuous flow tubular microwave heating by solving the penetration equation of microwave energy. Joint ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH.
Dobson, A.E. and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2005. Genetic characterization of an operon encoding the bacteriocin, lactacin B, in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 18D-17.
Drake, M.A. 2005. Defining the flavor and texture of cheese. Joint ADSA-ASAS meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract 156.
Drake, M.A. 2005. Sensory analysis of Cheddar cheese texture. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 47-4.
Drake, M.A., M.D. Yates, M.E. Carunchia Whetstine and P.D. Gerard. 2005. Regional and make-procedure differences in flavor development of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-47.
Drake, M.A. and G.D. Cartwright. 2005. Extending refrigerated shelf life of fluid milk using a novel HTST system. Joint ADSA-ASAS meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract 41.
Drake, M.A. 2005. Defining the flavor and texture of cheese. Joint ADSA-ASAS meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract 156.
Drake, M.A., D. J. McMahon, J. R. Broadbent, S. L. Larsen, C. Brothersen, P. Joseph, and R. L. Boucher. 2005. Impact of accelerated ripening temperatures and times on flavor and texture development of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-31.
Duong, T., M.J. Miller, R. Barrangou, T.R. Klaenhammer. 2005. Development of an expression system in Lactobacillus acidophilus using a functional genomic strategy. Proceedings from the Eighth Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. LAB8 abstract C029; www.lab8.nl
Foegeding, E.A. 2005. Chemistry and functionality of whey proteins. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 30-1.
Foegeding, E.A. Astringency of whey proteins. 2005. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 47-5.
Liggett, R.E., M.A. Drake, and J.F. Delwiche. 2005. Determining what consumers desire in Swiss cheese using partial-least squares regression of descriptive and consumer data. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA, Abstract 69-6.
Luck, P.J., M.E. Carunchia Whetstine, M.A. Drake and E. A. Foegeding. 2005. Large- and small-strain rheological characterization within 291 kg blocks of milled and stirred cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-43.
Pichan, P., C.R. Daubert and D.A. Clare. 2005. A modified whey protein, low carbohydrate food ingredient. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 31-1.
Pfeiler, E.A., E.A. Pfeiler, A. Azcarate-Peril, T. Klaenhammer. 2005. Characterization of a two-component regulatory system implicated in the bile tolerance of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings from the Eighth Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB8). www.lab8.nl. Abstract L006.
Reynolds, R. and J. C. Allen. 2005. Spray-drying of -lactoglobulin-vitamin A and vitamin D complexes http://ift.confex.com/ift/2005/techprogram/ataglance.htm. Abstract 107-1.
Russell, M.A. Drake, P.D. Gerard and M.D. Yates. 2005. Comparison of the sensory properties and consumer perception of whey and soy proteins. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 99F-24.
Van Hekken, D.L., M.A. Drake, F.J. Molina Corral, V.M. Guerrero Prieto, and A.A. Gardea. 2005. Sensory profiles of young cheeses from Chihuahua, Mexico. Joint ADSA-ASAS meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract M49.
Yoon, Y. and M.A. Drake. 2005. Skim milk powder flavor variability and storage stability. IFT Annual Meeting, July 16-20. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 71A-51.
Allen, J.C. and Y. Liu. Vitamin A and D Stability in Skim Milk Using a B-lactoglobulin complex for fortification. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 64-1.
Altermann, E., M.A. Azcarate-Peril, R. Cano, T.R. Klaenhammer. 2004. Correlation between codon usage, codon adaptation index, and gene expression in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. , Genomics. Lake Tahoe, CA. August.
Bang, W., D.A. Clare, M.A. Drake and J. Simunovic. 2004. Comparison of Conventional UHT or Microwave Heat Processing on Quality of Shelf Stable Milk. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17 B6.
Barrangou, R., M.A. Azcarate-Peril, T. Duong, S.B. Conners, E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe, S. Lick, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2004. Transcriptional analysis of raffinose utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus using whole genome microarrays. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 47-4.
Barrangou, R., T. Duong, M.A. Azcarate-Peril, S. Conners, E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe, S. Lick, R. Cano, T.R. Klaenhammer. 2004. Transcriptional analysis of carbohydrate utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus using whole genome microarrays. American Society for Microbiology, 104th General Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Abstract K085.
Beucler, J.L. M.A. Drake and E.A. Foegeding. 2004. Design of a Thirst Quenching Beverage from Whey Permeate. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17B-11.Third place winner in dairy foods poster competition.
Carunchia Whetstine, M.E., Y. Karagul-Yuceer, J. D. Parker, M. A. Drake. 2004. Flavor changes in whole milk powder. 4th International Symposium on Recombined Milk and Milk Products. Cancun Mexico: May 9-12. Abstract P20.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., K.R. Cadwallader, and M.A. Drake. 2004. Identification of sources of rosey/metallic flavors in Cheddar cheese. IDF Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization, and Technology. Prague, Czech Republic: March 21-25, Abstract PO37.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., Y. Karagul-Yuceer, J. D. Parker, and M. A. Drake. 2004. Flavor changes in whole milk powder. 4th International symposium on recombined milk and milk products. Cancun Mexico: May 9-12. Abstract P20.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., M.A. Drake and A.E. Crossant. 2004. Characterization of flavor and flavor compounds in dried whey protein concentrates and isolates. ADSA Annual Meeting: July 25-29.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., Y. Yoon, and M.A. Drake. 2004. Flavor and flavor stability of milk and whey proteins. 228th ACS Meeting: Philadelphia, PA: August 22-26. Abstract 164.
Childs, J.L., Foegeding, E.A. and Daubert C.R. 2004. Factors regulating shreddability of mozzarella cheese. . IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17A-15.
Davis, J.P. and E.A. Foegeding. 2004. Foaming and interfacial properties of polymerized whey protein isolate. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 64-4.
Drake, M.A. 2004. Establishing links between sensory and instrumental analysis of dairy flavors. 228th ACS Meeting: Philadelphia, PA: August 22-26. Abstract 149.
Drake, M.A. 2004. Establishing links between sensory and instrumental analysis of dairy flavors. ACS Meeting, Philadelphia, PA: August 22-26. Abstract 149.
Drake, M.A. 2004. Flavor of dried dairy ingredients. 4th International symposium on recombined milk and milk products. Cancun Mexico: May 9-12. Abstract S15.
Duong, T., R. Barrangou, W. M. Russell, E. Altermann, R.J. Cano and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2004. Functional analysis of trehalose cryoprotection in Lactobacillus acidophilus. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 99A-26. First place winner in biotechtechnology division poster competition.
Eledah, J.I., M.A. Drake, and J.C. Allen. 2004. Increasing calcium intake through calcium chloride fortification of beverages. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 83G-3.
Firebaugh, J.D. and C.R. Daubert. 2003. Ingredient interactions with derivatized whey protein powders. ADSA/ASAS Joint Meeting. Phoenix, AZ: June 23-26.
Firebaugh, J.D. and C.R. Daubert. 2004. Foaming and emulsification properties of derivatized whey powders. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 64-4.
Flint, M.P., E.A. Foegeding and M.A. Drake. 2004. Comparison of sweetened condensed skim and whey protein ingredients in caramels. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17B 16.
Foegeding, E.A. 2004. Relating rheological and fracture properties to sensory texture of cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2004, Las Vegas, NV. Abstract 109-1.
Luck, P.J. and E.A. Foegeding. 2004. Controlling intermolecular disulfide bonding in whey protein isolate by enhancing oxidation conditions. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12 16. Abstract 79-5.
McGuffey, M.K. and E. A. Foegeding. 2004. Aggregation of alpha-lactalbumin isolate in a neutral ph mineral salt environment. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 64-7.
Miller, M.J., R. Barrangou, I. Austdal, B. Cargile, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2004. Development of a gene expression system inducible by carbohydrates in Lactobacillus acidophilus. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 99A-27.
Rehman, S.U., N.Y. Farkye and M.A. Drake. 2004. Differences between milled curd and stirred curd cheddar cheese manufactured with different culture/enzyme systems. ADSA Annual Meeting: July 25-29.
Resch, J.J., C.R. Daubert and E.A. Foegeding. 2004. Processing parameter effects on the functional properties of modified whey protein ingredients. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 64-5. First place winner in dairy food graduate research competition.
Singh, T.K., M.A. Drake, and K.R. Cadwallader. 2004. Characterization of brothy flavor in Cheddar cheeses. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17B-18.
Singh, T.K., M.A. Drake, and K.R. Cadwallader. 2004. Production of a bitter peptide from casein and its sensory characterization. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 17B-17.
Thompson, J.L., M.D. Yates, K. Lopetcharat and M.A. Drake. 2004. Mapping Consumer Preferences of Commercial Chocolate Milk. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 48-8.
Zhong, Q. and C.R. Daubert. 2004. Rheology and Microstructure of a Model Rennet Casein System. IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV: July 12-16. Abstract 109-3.
Altermann, E., M.A. Azcarate-Peril, O. McAuliffe, S. Lick, M. Callanan, W.M. Russell, R. Barrangou, R. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Comparative analysis of the complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC33323. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive bacteria. Abstract P2, page 43.
Azcarate-Peril, M.A., O. McAuliffe, E. Altermann, W.M. Russell, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Two-component regulatory systems in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive bacteria. Abstract P62, page 46.
Azcarate-Peril, M.A., R. Barrangou, E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Transcriptional analysis of fructooligosaccharide utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive bacteria. Abstract P3, page 43.
Azcarate-Peril, M.A., E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe, W.M. Russell, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Identification of genes involved in acid tolerance in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts pg. 366-67, K-042.
Barrangou R, M.A. Azcarate-Peril, E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Transcriptional analysis of fructooligosaccharide utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive Microorganisms, Baveno, Italy
Buck, B.L., E. Altermann, T. Svingerud, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Functional analysis of putative adhesion factors in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive bacteria. Abstract P46, page 45.
Cadwallader, K.R. 2003. Relating Cheddar cheese flavor to chemical components. IFT Annual meeting, July 12-16, Chicago, IL. Abstract 52-5.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., Y. Karagul-Yuceer, Y. Avsar, and M.A. Drake. 2003. Aroma-active compounds in fresh goat cheese. IFT Annual meeting, July 12-16, Chicago, IL. Abstract 71-2.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M.E., Y. Yoon and M.A. Drake. 2003. Identification of fecal/grassy flavor in Cheddar cheese. American Dairy Science Association meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 22-26. Abstract 35.
Clare, D.A., T.R. Klaenhammer, H.M. Hassan, G.L. Catignani and H.E. Swaisgood. 2003. Antimicrobial activity of bovine milkfat globule membranes: a cautionary tale. J Dairy Science 86: Abstract T210, p.289.
Coronel P., J. Simunovic, G. Cartwright and K.P. Sandeep. 2003. [107bv] Continuous flow microwave processing of pumpable foods: preparation of sterilization solutions by matching dielectric properties. AIChe Int.l. Meeting, , San Francisco, Nov.16-21. Presentation 107BW.
Coronel P., J. Simunovic, K.P. Sandeep and H. Stewart. 2003. Continuous flow microwave processing of pumpable foods: Dielectric measurements and classification. IFT International Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 12-16. Paper No. 92B-14.
Drake, M.A., M.D. Keziah, P.D. Gerard, C.M. Delahunty, E.M. Sheehan, R.P. Turnbull, T.M. Dodds. 2003. Comparison of differences between lexicons for descriptive analysis of Cheddar cheese flavor in Ireland, New Zealand, and the United States. 5th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, July 20-24, Boston, MA. Abstract P139.
Klaenhammer, T.R. and E. Altermann. 2003. Comparative genomics of lactic acid bacteria, starter cultures and probiotics. Abstracts of the 11th European Congress on Biotechnology. Abstract 130, p. 65.
Klaenhammer, T.R., E. Altermann, A.M. Azcarate-Peril and R. Barrangou. 2003. Genomic features of lactic acid bacteria. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Microbial Genomes. Abstract 33.
Park, Y., S.J. Lee, J.H. Lee and M.A. Drake. 2003. Effects of freezing and thawing on sensory properties of plain soft and Monterey Jack goat milk cheeses. IFT Annual meeting, July 12-16, Chicago, IL. Abstract 104D-14.
Russell, M.W., N. Souther, E. Altermann, O. McAuliffe, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Analysis of genome variations among strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Bacilli: Functional Genomics of Gram Positive bacteria. Abstract P27, page 44. Sauls, D.L., M. Hoffman, and J.C. Allen. Diet induced hyperhomosysteinemia in rabbits impairs fibrinolysis. FASEB J. Abstract 201.1
Singh, T., M.A. Drake and K.R. Cadwallader. 2003. Characterization of aroma components of Muenster cheese by aroma extract dilution and dynamic headspace dilution analyses. IFT Annual meeting, July 12-16, Chicago, IL. Abstract 71-3.
Souther, N.E., E. Altermann, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2003. Development of a multiplex PCR system to identify Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts P-066, p. 501
Truong, V.D., D.A. Clare, G.L. Catignani, and H.E. Swaisgood. 2003. Crosslinking and rheological changes of whey proteins treated with microbial transglutaminase. IFT Annual meeting. Abstract 26-1, p.50.
Young, N.D., M. A. Drake, K. Lopetcharat, and M. R. McDaniel. 2003. Preference mapping of Cheddar cheeses with varying maturity levels. IFT Annual meeting, July 12-16, Chicago, IL. Abstract 90-6.
Zhong, Q. and C.R. Daubert. 2003. Mathematical modeling of rennet casein gelation kinetics at different cooling rates. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure. P. Fischer, I. Martii and E.J. Windhab, editors. Zurich, Switzerland. February 7-13.
Allison, G.E., J.K. McCormick, K. Venema, M. Bland and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Analysis of vaccine antigen expression systems in lactic acid bacteria: expression of an Eimeria acervulina sporozoite antigen. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract H-60.
Altermann, E., R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Structural and functional genome-comparison between two related Lactobacillus probiotic species. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract H-31.
Ashie, I.A., S.A. Madkor and M.A. Drake. 2002. Effects of low doses of lipase and protease on texture and flavor of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 15-19. Abstract 15B-1.
Barrangou, R., E. Altermann, R.J. Cano, and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Computational analysis and comparative genomics of a gene cluster involved in sugar metabolism in Lactobacillus acidophilus. 2nd ASM and TIGR conference on Microbial Genomes. Abstract 18.
Barrangou, R, E. Altermann, R. J. Cano and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Computational and functional analysis of a gene cluster involved in prebiotic metabolism in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract H32.
Broadbent, J.R., S. Gummala, J.E. Hughes, M.E. Johnson, S. Rankin and M.A. Drake. 2002. Effect of Lactobacillus casei D-hydroxyisocaproic acid dehydrogenase overexpression on cheese volatile chemistry and sensory properties. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism, and Applications. the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract G-64.
Brown, J.A., E.A. Foegeding, M.A. Drake and C.R. Daubert. 2002. The role of physicochemical properties in governing cheese texture. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 90.
Carunchia-Whetstine, M., J. Parker, D.K. Larick and M.A. Drake. 2002. Impact of starter culture on flavor of liquid Cheddar cheese whey. ADSA-ASAS Joint Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada. Abstract 594.
Clare, D.A., G.L. Catignani and H.E. Swaisgood. 2002. Co-isolation of plasmin/plasminogen with xanthine oxidoreductase. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 1362.
Courtney, P.D., E. Altermann, N. Huemmer, W.M. Russell, R. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Membrane cyclopropane fatty acid content affects stress tolerance in Lactobacillus acidophilus. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract G-39.
Dees, A.L. and E.A. Foegeding. 2002. Effects of various ingredients on a model process cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 255.
Doucet, D., S.F. Gauthier and E.A. Foegeding. 2002. Characterization of interactions involved in the enzyme-induced gelation of hydrolyzed whey proteins. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 18.
Drake, M.A., Y.K. Avsar, Y.K. Karagul-Yuceer and K.R. Cadwallader. 2002. Characterization of volatile nutty flavor compounds in Cheddar cheese. ADSA-ASAS Joint Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada. Abstract 599.
Drake, M.A. and M. Keziah. 2002. Impact of serving temperature on perception of Cheddar cheese flavor. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 15-19. Abstract 100D-4.
Durmaz, E. and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Enhancement of AbiA phage resistance by expression of downstream open reading frames on pTR2030. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract F-13.
Durmaz, E. and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Functional analysis of an inactive CI repressor of lactococcal phage 31 and a trucated derivative that exhibits self-repression and inhibition of superinfecting phage. Proceedings of the 6th International ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics. Abstract 127, p 107.
Harper, W.J., J. Kuo and M.A. Drake. 2002. Comparison of descriptive sensory analysis with electronic nose differentiation of commercial Swiss cheese. ADSA-ASAS Joint Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada. Abstract 593.
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., K.N. Vlahovich, M.A. Drake and K.R. Cadwallader. 2002. Compounds responsible for musky odor of rennet casein. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA June 15-19. Abstract 15B-12. Karagul-Yuceer, Y., K.R. Cadwallader and M.A. Drake. 2002. Odor-active compounds of liquid whey. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 15-19. Abstract 61B-4.
Kleinhenz, J., W.J. Harper and M.A. Drake. 2002. Trace thiol compounds in aged Cheddar cheese. ADSA-ASAS Joint Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada. Abstract 592.
Li, M. and K. M. Keener. 2002. NMR Spectroscopy and diffusion studies on processed cheese (I). IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 15-19.
Li, M. and K. M. Keener. 2002. NMR spectroscopy and diffusion studies on processed cheese (II). International Conference on Application of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Paris.
McAuliffe, O., E. Altermann, H. Girgis, R.J. Cano and T.R. Klaenhammer. 2002. Comparative and functional analysis of stress operons in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, the Netherlands, Sept. 1-5. Abstract H-22.
McGuffey, M.K. and E.A. Foegeding. 2002. Aggregation reactions of apo- and holo-.-lactalbumin at neutral pH. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 157.
Rehman, S.U., N.Y. Farkye and M.A. Drake. 2002. Effect of adding yeast extract on proteolyis and flavor development of reduced fat Cheddar cheese. ADSA-ASAS Joint Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada. Abstract 361.
Rehman, S.U., N.Y. Farkye and M.A. Drake. 2002. Studies on the ripening of smoked Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 15-19. Abstract 28-8.
Resch, J.J. and C.R. Daubert. 2002. Rheological characterization and comparison of derivatized whey protein concentrate ingredients. ADSA Annual Meeting, July 22-25, Quebec City, Canada.
Truong, V.D., V.G. Janolino, G.L. Catignani and H.E. Swaisgood. 2002. Molecular size and rheological characterization of whey proteins crosslinked by immobilized transglutaminase. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Supplement 1) Abstract 1148.
Zhang, G. and E.A. Foegeding. 2002 Heat-induced phase behavior of .-lactoglobulin/polysaccharide mixtures. 6th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Guelph, Canada. Book of Abstracts.
Zhong, Q. and C.R. Daubert. 2002. A fractal analysis of casein model gels subjected to different cooling rates. IFT Annual Meeting, June 15-19, Anaheim, CA. Abstract 30E-6.
Altermann, E., W. M. Russell and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2001. Insertional inactivation of the S-layer protein gene slpA in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 224, 88D-3.
Altermann, E., W. M. Russell, T. R. Klaenhammer and R. J. Cano. 2001. Insertional inactivation of an S-layer homolog and phenotype responses in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Annual Meeting Books of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 403, H-52.
Avsar, Y. K., Y. Karagul-Yuceer, B. Tamucay, C. Kocak, and C. H. White. 2001. A comparative study on the production methods of Ayran, traditional drinking yogurt of Turks. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 22, 15C-1.
Callanan, M. J. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2001. Expression of the Lactobacillus phage fadh holin and lysin in Lactococcus lactis induces leaky behavior. Meeting Book of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 477, M-18.
Campbell, W. S., J. Parker, M. A. Drake and D. K. Larick. 2001. Fortification of fluid skim milk with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). J. Dairy Sci. 84(Suppl.1):106. Abstr. 439.
Clare, D. A., G. L. Catignani, and H. E. Swaisgood. 2001. Bioactive Milk Peptides. Eighth International Egyptian Dairy Conference.
Chen, X. Q., P. D. Gerard and M. A. Drake. 2001. Consumer attitudes and acceptability of soy fortified yogurts. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 198, 73G-33.
Davis, J. P. and E. A. Foegeding. 2001. The effects of NaCl, CaC12, lactose and pH on the interfacial behavior of 13-lactoglobulin. J. Dairy Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):7. Abstr. 30.
Doucet, D., S. F. Gauthier and E. A. Foegeding. 2001. Rheological characterization of a gel formed during extensive enzymatic hydrolysis. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 163, 68-11.
Drake, M. A. 2001. Developing and validating a universal descriptive language for Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 71, 33-1.
Drake, M. A., P. D. Gerard, J. P. Kleinhenz, and W. J. Harper. 2001. Application of an electronic nose to correlate with sensory analysis of Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 28, 15C-37.
Drake, M. A., P. D. Gerard, S. Wright, K. R. Cadwallader and G. V. Civille. 2001. Cross validation of a sensory language for Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 195, 73G-19.
Durmaz, E., S. M. Madsen, H. Israelsen and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2001. Bacteriophages of the P335 species, virulent for Lactococcus lactis, are inhibited by overexpression of a truncated cl repressor. Annual Meeting Books of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 476, M-13.
Glenn, T. A. and C. R. Daubert. 2001. Modification of a pilot scale mixing device for average shear rate approximation. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 29, 15D-6.
Hansen, A. and M. Keziah. 2001. Quality attributes of Cheddar cheese in the North Carolina marketplace. J. Dairy Sci., Vol. 84(Suppl. 1):145. Abstr. 602.
Hansen, A. and M. Keziah. 2001. Quality attributes of strawberry Swiss style yogurt in the North Carolina marketplace. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 84(Suppl. 1): 104. Abstr. 43 1.
Hansen, A., M. Keziah and T. Salas. 2001. Consumer acceptability of lucama and cherimoya ice cream. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 84(Suppl. 1): 104. Abstr. 432.
Hudson, H. M. and D. R. Daubert. 2001. Electrokinetic and electroviscous properties in derivatized whey protein isolate colloidal suspensions of defined sizes. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 163, 68-9.
Karragul-Yuceer, K. R., K. R. Cadwallader and M. A. Drake. 2001. Identification of volatile off-flavor compounds of nonfat dried milks. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 211, 88A-3.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 2001. Genomic perspectives for the identification and differentiation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 160, 661.
Leenanon, B. and M. A. Drake. 2001. Acid adaptation and starvation effects on Shiga-like toxin production of Escherichia coli 0 157:117. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 146, 59F-8.
Li, W. and Drake, M. A. 2001. Detection of viable Escherichia coli 0157:H7 by QCPCR. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, New Orleans, p 146, 59F- 10.
McAuliffe, A., T. R. Klaenhammer, P. Ross and C. Hill. 2001. Functional analysis of the gene cluster of the two-component lantibiotic, Lacticin 3147. Annual Meeting Book of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 404, H-54.
McIngvale, S. C. and M. A. Drake. 2001. Enrichment conditions affect expression of sltIImRNAofEscherichiacoliOl57:H7. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 166, 70-1.
McGuffey, M. K. 2001. Electrostatic effects on the physical properties of particulate whey protein isolate gels. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 163, 6-10.
McKillip, J. L., L. Jaykus and M. A. Drake. 2001. Effects of storage time and growth in food on DNA extraction and PCR amplification efficiency. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 145, 5917-6.
Pollen, N. R. and C. R. Daubert. 2001. Texture profiling of skim milk and carageenan solutions. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 84( Suppl. 1):383. Abstr. 1589.
Resch, J. J. and C. R. Daubert. 2001. Particle size effects on the physical and rheological properties of derivitized whey protein concentrate powders. The IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 24, 115C-13.
Russell, W. M. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2001. Generating site-specific integrations in the genomics of thermophilic, probiotic lactobacilli via homologous recombination. Annual Meeting Book of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 403, H-49.
Sair, A. I., D. H. D’Souza and L. Jaykus. 2001. Improved detection of human enteric viruses in foods by RT-PCR. Annual Meeting Books of American Society for Microbiology Book of Abstracts, p 582, P-122.
Tuler, Tracy, S. A. Walker and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2001. Investigation of peptidase externalization in leaky lactococci. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 118, 54-1.
Tungjaroenchai, W., W. E. Holmes, C. H. White, and M. A. Drake. 2001. Influence of adjunct cultures on volatile free fatty acids of reduced fat edam cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 23, 115C-5.
White, C. H. 2001. Recent developments in chilled dairy products. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, p 71, 32-4.
Clare, D. A. and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Bioactive milk peptides. A perspective. Journal of Dairy Science. 83(Supplement 1):9. Abstr. 33.
Chen, X. Q., M. A. Drake and K.R. Cadwallader. 2000. Characteristic aroma components of English Farmhouse Cheddar cheeses. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 176, 78C-4.
Clark, R. H., W. M. Russell and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2000. Distribution of Lactobacillus acidophilus among a variety of cultured foods and probiotics. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 193, 78F-11.
Damasceno, L. M., F. L. M. Passos, V. J. Janolino and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Amplification of the core streptavidin and b-galactosidase genes and construction of a core Stp-LAC 4 fusion gene. J. Dairy Sci. 83(Suppl.1): Abstr. 402.
Doucet, D., S. F. Gauthier and E. A. Foegeding. 2000. Rheological characterization of a gel formed during extensive enzymatic hydrolysis. Abstract Book of the 5th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Drake, M. A., P. D. Gerard and X. Q. Chen. 2000. Effects of sweetener, sweetener concentration, and fruit flavor on sensory properties of soy fortified yogurt. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 214, 86B-13.
Drake, M. A., S. C. McIngvale, K. R. Cadwallader and G. V. Civille. 2000. Development of a descriptive language for Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 12, 11-3.
Fenn M. M, D. K. Larick and L. G. Turner. 2000. Enzyme-derived flavor concentrates to improve the flavor acceptability of reduced-fat cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 87, 50-5.
Foegeding, E. A. and E. A. Gwartney. 2000. Linking rheological properties with sensory texture. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 157-158, 70-3.
Girgis, H. S., R. J. Cano and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2000. Tolerance to hydrogen and expression of glutathione reductase in Lactobacillus. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 183, 78D-10.
Girgis, H. S., Cano, R. J. and Klaenhammer, T. R. 2000. The induction of class I and class III heat shock genes in Lactobacillus acidophilus. Abstracts of papers presented a the meeting of Molecular Chaperones & the Heat Shock Response. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, p 81.
Glueck, A. A. and C. H. White. 2000. Shelf life prediction of fluid milk products. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 87, 50-7.
Gurgel, P.V., R. G. Carbonell and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Selective purification of B-lactalbumin from whey protein isolate using a peptide ligand obtained from a combinatorial library. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl.) 1: 84. Abstr. 357.
Hayes, W. W., White, C. H., Gerard, P. D. and Drake, M. A. 2000. Sensory aroma characteristics of milk spoilage by Pseudomonas species. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83( Suppl. 1): 87. Abstr. 372.
Hudson, H. M., Daubert, C. R., and Foegeding, E. A. 2000. Physical and functional property comparison between derivitized whey protein powders and pregelatinized starch. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 86, 50-2.
Hudson, H. M., C. R. Daubert and E. A. Foegeding. 2000. Rheological and physical characterization of a derivatized whey protein solutions. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl. 1):98. Abstr. 422.
Karagul, Y., M. A. Drake and K. R. Cadwallader. 2000. Aroma-active components of nonfat dry milk powders. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 176, 78C-6.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 2000. Lactic acid bacteria and health. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 122, 57-3.
Koo, K. and L. Jaykus. 2000. Detection of Listeria monocytogenes by fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based PCR with an inexpensive “asymmetric” fluorogenic probe set. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Los Angeles, CA. May 21-25, 2000, P. 16
Li, W. and M. A. Drake. 2000. Development of a quantitative competitive PCR assay (QC-PCR) for the detection and quantification of Escherichia coli 0157:H7. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 114, 51H-6.
McGuffey, M. K. and E. A. Foegeding. 2000. Rheological and microstructural properties of particulate whey protein isolate gels. Abstract Book of the 5th International Hydrocolloids Conference, Raleigh, NC.
McKillip, J. L. and M. A. Drake. 2000. Real-time detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk using PCR and fluorescent oligonucleotide probes. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 114, 51H-4.
Resch, J. J., C. R. Daubert and H. M. Hudson. 2000. Rheological properties of derivitized whey protein concentrate powders. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 139, 65B-4.
Russell, W. M. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 2000. Development of a phospho-alpha-(1,1)-glucosidase, treA, and a novel beta-glucuronidase gene as reporter genes for lactobacilli. Abstracts of the 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Abst. H-106, P. 372.
Shaw, J. J., J. C. Allen and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Bioavailability of vitamin A provided as a B-lactoglobulin complex. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl. 1):131. Abstr. 559.
Tamarapu, S., J. L. McKillip and M. A. Drake. 2000. Development of a multiplex PCR for detection of Staphylococcus aureus in skim milk and Cheddar cheese. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 115, 51H-3.
Tomaino R. M., L. G. Turner and D. K. Larick. 2000. The impact of starter culture on whey variability. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl. 1):92. Abstr. 394.
Truong, V. D., C. R. Daubert, M. A. Drake and S. R. Baxter. 2000. Textural characterization of Cheddar cheeses using the vane method: correlation with other instrumental and sensory measurements. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 175, 78C-3.
Wang, Q., J. C. Allen and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Delivery of vitamin A and D by B-lactoglobulin isolated from whey by selective adsorption. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 171, 78A-35.
Wang, Q., J. C. Allen and H.E. Swaisgood. 2000. Stability of vitamin A and D in skim milk delivered by B-lactoglobulin isolated from whey. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl. 1): 84. Abstr. 356.
Wilcox, C. P. and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Modification of rheological properties of whey protein isolate through limited crosslinking with microbial transglutaminase immobilized on porous glass. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 83(Suppl. 1: 85. Abstr. 361.
Wilcox, C. P., D. A. Clare and H. E. Swaisgood. 2000. Utilization of immobilized recombinant fusion proteins to enhance whey protein isolate functionality. IFT Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts. p 184, 78D-11.
Allen, J. C., Q. Wang and H. E. Swaisgood. 1999. Binding of vitamin K and vitamin E to bovine beta-lactoglobulin. Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 47-3, p 114.
Allen, J. C., A. N. Cauley, and H. E. Swaisgood. 1999. Relative antigenicity and endogeous immunoactivity against human and bovine milk proteins in a rat model. Book of Abstracts, 9th International Conference of the Int. Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation. Kloster Irsee Monastery, Germany, Oct. 2-6.
Anderson, A. D., C. R. Daubert and B. E. Farkas. 1999. Rheological characterization of skim milk and carrageenan solutions at thermal processing temperatures. Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstract 22C-4, p 43.
Anderson, A. D., C. R. Daubert, and B. E. Farkas. 1999. Rheological characterization of dairy-based systems stabilized with carrageenan. Abstract 52E. Conference of Food Engineering. Dallas, TX: Oct. 31 Ð Nov. 5.
Brindisi, J. A., J. D. Parker, and D. K. Larick. 1999. Influence of commercial enzymes on the composition and sensory characteristics of hydrolyzed milk samples. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Section of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 2-8, p 19.
Clare, D. A. and H. E. Swaisgood. 1999. Optimizing expression of a trypsin-streptavidin fusion protein. J. Dairy Sci. 82(Suppl. 1): Abstr. D74.
Ikeda, S. and E. A. Foegeding. 1999. Effects of lipid on whey protein gelation. Book of Abstracts, The tenth gums and stabilisers for the food industry international conference, Wrexham, UK. p.60.
Janolino, V. G. and H. E. Swaisgood. 1999. Trypsin immobilization on derivatized cellulose beads by biospecific avidin-biotin interaction and characterization of the immobilized activity. Proceedings of the 1999 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Abstr. 22A-12.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 1999. Functional genomics and food science: forecasting your future. Symposium: Looking into the 21st Century: Futuristic Trends in Food Science. Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 46-1, p 113.
Kullen, M. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1999. Environmentally responsive gene expression in Lactobacillus acidophilus and development of acid- and calcium-inducible expression systems. Book of Abstracts from the 6th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Abstract F51.
Kullen, M. J. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1999. Environmentally responsive gene expression in Lactobacillus acidophilus and development of acid- and calcium- inducible expression systems. Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Abstract H-171, p 362.
Kullen, M. J. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1999. Identification of responsive gene systems in Lactobacillus acidophilus that impact probiotic functionality. J. Dairy Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):26 Abstr. D102.
McGuffey, M. K. and E. A. Foegeding. 1999. Properties of particulate whey protein isolate gels. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 82, (Suppl. 1):27, Abstr. D105.
McKillip, J. L., L. Jaykus, and M. A. Drake. 1999. Nucleic acid persistence in heat-killed Escherichia coli 0157:H7 from contaminated skim milk. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Abstr. P-55, p 522.
McKillip, J. L., L. A. Jaykus, and M. A.Drake. 1999. Nucleic acid persistence in heat killed Escherichia coli O157:H7 from artificially contaminated skim milk. 99th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Abstr. P-55, p 522.
McKillip, J. L., L. A. Jaykus, and M. A.Drake. 1999. DNA extraction from artificially contaminated dairy products. Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstract 65D-9, p 186.
Mleko, S. and E. A.Foegeding. 1999. pH-induced formation of whey protein isolate gels. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstract 16-11, p 30.
Rich, L. M. and E. A. Foegeding. 1999. Maillard modification of whey protein gels. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstract 16-110, p 30.
Russell, W. M., D. C. Walker, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1999. Identification and Complete Sequence of an RFB Operon from Lactobacillus gasseri ADH. Book of Abstracts from the 6th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Abstract F28.
Vardhanabhuti, B. and E.A. Foegeding. 1999. Gelation properties of polymerized whey protein isolate. Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 16-9, p 30.
Walker, S. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1999. An antisense strategy to prevent the proliferation of a lytic, lactococcal bacteriophage. Book of Abstracts from the 6th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. Abstract F29.
Wang, Q., J. Allen, and H. Swaisgood. 1999. Scale up of immobilization of retinal for isolation of B-lactoglobulin from milk. J. Dairy Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1): 20, D77.
Clare, D. A., Valentine, V. W. and Swaisgood, H. E. 1998. Molecular design and characterization of a streptavidin-transglutaminase fusion protein. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Abstr. 59A-18.
Clare, D. A., Valentine, V. W. and Swaisgood, H. E. 1998. Molecular design and characterization of a trypsin-streptavidin fusion protein. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, July 26-31, Denver, CO., Abstr. DF 72.
Foegeding, E.A. 1998. Chemistry and functionality of whey and whey components. Abstract book of the 1998 Annual Institute of Food Technologists Meeting. p 90, #38-1.
Foegeding, E. A., Li, H. and Pernell, C. 1998. A comparison of the gelling and foaming properties of whey and egg proteins. Abstract Book of 4th International Conference on Hydrocolloids, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan, p 50.
Jenny, P. A., G. M. Djordjevic, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1998. Designing a triggered suicide system for phage defense of Streptococcus thermophilus. ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, France. Abstract 1A-16, p 50.
Jensen, K. N. and C. H. White. 1998. The use of adjunct cultures in reduced fat Jarlsberg-type cheese manufacture. J. Dairy Sci. Voll. 81 (Suppl 1): 31, Abstr.122.
Keener, K. M., Gwartney, L. and Foegeding, E. A. 1998. Evaluation of the use of low-resolution NMR for the non-destructive characterization of whey protein isolate gels. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applications of Magnetic Resonance to Food Science, Norwich, UK.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 1998. A revolution in food microbiology: Food Microbiology. Abstracts/Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists-Divisional Lecture in Food Microbiology. Abstract: 17-1.
Klaenhammer, T. R., G. Djordjevic, S. A. Walker, P. A. Jenny, D. J. O’Sullivan, and M. A. Conkling. 1998. Lethal genes and altruistric strategies for phage defense of lactococci and streptococci. ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, France. Extended Abstract 09, p 15.
Kullen, M. J. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1998. Use of differential display RT-PCR to identify conditionally expressed genes in Lactobacillus acidophilus. ASM 6th Small Genomes Conference.
McKillip, J. L., Jaykus, L., and Drake, M. A. 1998. rRNA stability in heat-killed and UV-irradiated enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Book of Abstracts, 98th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Abstr. P-58, p 413.
McKillip, J. L., Jaykus, L., and Drake, M. A. 1998. rRNA stability in heat-killed and UV-irradiated enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Second Annual Will Carpenter Adaptive Biotechnology Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University Book of Abstracts, p 10.
Olson, D. W. and Z. U. Haque. 1998. Composition and functional properties of whey collected from commercial whey processing plants. Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 77A-19, p 208.
Parker, J. D. and D. K. Larick. 1998. Characterization of non-volatile cheese flavor compounds in enzymatically hydrolyzed milk. Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Abstr. 77A-13, p 207.
Sylvia, S. J. and Larick, D. K. 1998. Effects of oil and sucrose concentration on the sorption of flavors into polyethylene resin. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting & Exposition. Jun. 21-24, 1998, Atlanta, GA. 77D-18.
Valentine, V. W., Clare, D. A. and Swaisgood, H. E. 1998. Engineering a protein recombinase: construction and characterization of heterologous fusions of streptavidin and transglutaminase. American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting, May 16-20, Washington, DC, Abstr.520.
Walker, S. A., C. S. Dombroski, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1998. The inducible late promoter from a virulent bacteriophage is distributed across temperate P335 phages that lysoenize Lactococcus lactis. ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, France, Abstract 1A-17, p 50.
Walker, S. A., C. S. Dombroski, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1998. The inducible late promoter from a virulent bacteriophage is distributed across temperate P335 phages that lysogenize Lactococcus lactis. ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics, France, Abstract 1A-17, p 50.
Wang, Q., J. C. Allen, and H. E. Swaisgood. 1998. Binding of retinol and palmitate moieties of retinyl-palmitate at separate sites on B-lactoglobulin. J. Dairy Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):19.
Woodill, J. D. and C. H. White. 1998. The use of adjunct cultures and elevated ripening temperatures in reduced fat Edam cheese manufacture. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, July 27-30. Denver, Colorado.
Anderson, K. L., Moats, W. A., Lyman, R. L., Hansen, A. P., and Rushing, J. E. 1997. Comparison of microbial receptor assay and HPLC in detection of penicillin and amoxicillin in milk powder. 111th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition. September 1997. San Diego, Ca. 6-306.
Allen, J. C., O. Park. 1997. Antigenicity of casein phosphopeptides prepared with immobilized glutamic acid specific endopeptidase or trypsin. FASEB J. 11: A396.
Baxter, B. L., C. H. White, and P. C. Coggins. 1997. The use of adjunct cultures and elevated temperatures in lowfat Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Science 80(Suppl 1):113, Abstract D65.
Beard, B. M., B. W. Sheldon, and P. M. Foegeding, 1997. Thermal resistance of Bacillus stearothermophilus spores in a model chocolate milk system supplemented with Nisin. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 233. Abstract. 79B-14.
Bowland, E.L. and Foegeding, E.A. 1997. Fundamental rheological analysis of degree of creaming in model processed cheese. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 153. Abstract 54-7.
Chen, H.-Y., J. C. Allen. 1997. Human milk antibacterial factors. Effect of thermal processing. FASEB J. 11: A239.
Darquea, D., H. E. Swaisgood and P. M. Foegeding. 1997. Development and characterization of a bioselective adsorption matrix for removal of Bacillus cereus spores from butter and milk. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 152. Abstr. 54-4.
Djordjevic, G .M., D. J. O’Sullivan, S. A. Walker, M. A. Conkling, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1996. A phage-triggered suicide system designed for bacteriophage defense of Lactococcus lactis. 5th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism and Applications. Abstract F26.
Djordjevic, G .M. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1997. Bacteriophage-triggered defense systems: phage adaptation and design improvements. Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 381. Abstract M-14.
Drake, M.-A. and C. H. White. 1997. Enhancing sensory characteristics of reduced and lowfat cheese cheeses with adjunct cultures. J. Dairy Science 80: (Suppl. 1): 126 Abstract D115.
Dubey, U. K., and C. H. White. 1997. Effect of atmospheric pressure on shrinkage-expansion of ice cream. A. J. Dairy Sci. 80: (Suppl 1): 128. Abstract D123.
Durmaz, E. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1996. Characterization and sequencing of recombinant lactococcal phage phi 31.1. 5th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism and Applications. Abstract F27.
Durmaz, E., and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1997. Lactococcus lactis NCK203 DNA homologous to the temperate lactococcal phages r1t and BK5-T contributes to the evolution of recombinant variants of the lytic phage phi 31. J. Dairy Sci. 80(Supp 1):119. Abstract D87.
Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Gelation of whey proteins: factors determining gel strength. Abstract Book of the 1997 International Whey Conference, Oct. 27-29, Chicago, IL.
Foegeding, E. A. and E. A. Gwartney. 1997. Functional properties of whey proteins in forming networks. Abstract Book of The Fifth Chemical Congress of North America, Nov. 11-15, Cancun, Mexico. Abstract #2009.
Gwartney, E .A. and Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Effects of whey protein gel structure on dynamic flavor release properties. Proceedings of the1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 158, Abstract 57-6.
Haque, Z. U. and X. Q. Chen. 1997. Effect of food emulsion dilution on globule size distribution. Southern Regional Section of the Institute of Food Technologists of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL. p 34.
Hadden, W.L. and Foegeding, E.A. 1997. Firmness and cohesiveness in chymosin-induced milk protein concentrate (MPC) gels. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 45. Abstract 19-4.
Huang, X. L., G. L. Catignani and H. E. Swaisgood. 1997. A micro-scale whipping method for determination of foaming. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 107. Abstract 35E-29.
Huang, X. L., G. L. Catignani and H. E. Swaisgood. 1997. Effect of degree of hydrolysis of whey protein isolate catalyzed by immobilized trypsin on its emulsifying and foaming properties. J. Dairy Sci. 80: (Suppl. 1): 135. Abstract D149.
Huang, X. L., G. L. Catignani and H. E. Swaisgood. 1997. Crosslinking of milk proteins catalyzed by transglutaminase: some kinetic properties of the enzyme using various protein substrates. J. Dairy Sci. 80: (Suppl. 1): 135. Abstract D148.
Swaisgood, H. E., X. L. Huang, and G. L. Catignani. 1997. Enzymatic modification of proteins to improve functionality. American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, AGFD, Abstract 020.
Jenny, P. A., G. M. Djordjevic, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1997. Designing a triggered suicide system for phage defense in Streptococcus thermophilus. Proceedings of the 41st Wind River Conference on Prokaryotic Molecular Biology. Jun. 1997.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 1997. Functional activities of Lactobacillus probiotics: genetic mandate. Proceedings of the US/Ireland International Symposium on Functional Foods: Designer Foods for the Future, 17, Abstract SP20.
Klaenhammer, T. R. 1996. Novel approaches for the development of lactic acid bacteria resistant to phages. Proceedings of the Simposio Internacional de Bacterias Lacticas: CERELA XX Aniversario.
Lee, C. M., I. Filipi, Y. Xiong, D. Smith, J. Regenstein, S. Damodaran, C-Y. Ma and Z. Haque. 1997. Development of a standardized procedure for failure compression testing of protein gels: a collaborativestudy. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 12. Abstract 9-6.
Li., H., Bottcher, S. R. and Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Comparison of pH effect on physical properties of egg white and whey protein gels. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 104. Abstract 35E-15.
Leggitt, Paris and L. A. Jaykus. 1997. Rapid molecular method for detection of human enteric viruses in prepared hamburger and leaf lettuce. International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians. Proceedings of the 1997 IAMFES Annual Meeting, 58. Abstract T17.
Lucore, L.A. and L. Jaykus. Concentration of pathogenic microorganisms from dairy products for detection by PCR. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES), Abstract. P-17.
Mills, D. and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1997. Molecular characterization of the replication region (per) from the lactococcal phage phi 31. Proceedings of the 41st Wind River Conference on Prokaryotic Molecular Biology.
Olson, D. W. and C. H. White. 1997. Comparative properties of milk and frozen dairy desserts processed by high pressure homogenization and conventional homogenization. Proceedings of the FSFA Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Olson, D. H., and C. H. White. 1997. Properties of Frozen Dairy Desserts Subjected to UHT Processing and High Pressure. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Animal Sciences, Brimingham. SAAS, Birmingham, AL, Feb. 1-5.
Park, O. and J. C. Allen. 1997. Calcium-binding of casein phosphopeptides prepared with immobilized glutamic acid specific endopeptidase. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. Book of Abstracts, p. 186.
Pernell, C. W., Daubert, C. R. and Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Determination of yield stress in protein foams using vane rheometry. 1997 Annual Conference on Food Engineering. Abstract 61g.
Rosenfield, S. I. and L. A. Jaykus. 1997. Rapid molecular method for the detection of Salmonella spp using PCR and LCR. 1997 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES), 135. Abstract P-11.
Spicer, V. D., Larick, D. K. and Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Development and evaluation of methodology for determination of volatile release from whey protein isolate solutions. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 227. Abstract 79A-19.
Swaisgood, H. E. 1997. Design of fusion proteins for purification and immobilization. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 113, Abstract 38-5.
Vardhanabhuti, B. and Foegeding, E. A. 1997. Hydrocolloid-like viscosity of polymerized whey protein isolate. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 45. Abstract 19-5.
Walker, D. C., W. M. Russell, and T. R. Klaenhammer. 1997. Identification of a chromosomal region in lactobacilli that resembles the operon responsible for cell surface carbohydrate synthesis in Gram-negative bacteria. Proceedings of the US/Ireland International Symposium on Functional Foods: Designer Foods for the Future. Abstract PBS21.
Walker, S.A., D.J. O’Sullivan, S.G. West, and T.R. Klaenhammer. 1996. Molecular characterization of a phage-inducible middle promoter from the lactococcal bacteriophage f31. 5th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism and Applications. Abstract F25.
Wandling, L.R., B.W. Sheldon, and P.M. Foegeding, 1997. Altering the thermal resistance of bacterial spores in skim milk supplemented with Nisin. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, 47. Abstract. 20-7.
Wang, Q., J. C. Allen, and H. E. Swaisgood. 1997. Binding of palmitic acid to beta-Lactoglobulin is dependent upon the concentration of the protein and the resulting amount of dimer. J. Dairy Science 80: (Suppl. 1): 135. Abstract D15.