2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2002 • 2001 • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997-96
Graduate Theses Completed 2012
Baugher, Jonathan, 2011. Characterization of Two Prophages in Lactobacillus gasseri ADH and Their Roles in Horizontal Gene Transfer. M.S. Thesis
Burke, Mary Caitlin. 2011. A dried Dairy Product for delivery of probiotic cultures. NCSU M.S. Thesis
Douglas, Grace L. 2011. Application of integration tools for functional genomics analysis of lactobacilli. Ph.D. Functional Genomics. NCSU.
Fox, K. 2011. The impact of heating and acidification on flavor of whey protein isolate.MS thesis. Summer
Li, X. The influence of process time and heat treatment on bleaching efficacy of liquid whey and retentate. Master’s thesis. Summer 2011.
Listiyani, M. Influence of temperature and bleaching agent on flavor of 34 % whey protein concentrate and benzoic acid concentration in dried whey proteins. Master’s thesis. Spring 2011.
Rodrigues da Cunha, Luciana. 2011. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Lactobacillus gasseri isolated from a newborn infant. Ph.D. Universidad Federal de Vicosa. Vicosa, Minas Gerais-Brasil.
Graduate Theses Completed 2011
Baugher, Jonathan, 2011. Characterization of Two Prophages in Lactobacillus gasseri ADH and Their Roles in Horizontal Gene Transfer. M.S. Thesis
Burke, Mary Caitlin. 2011. A dried Dairy Product for delivery of probiotic cultures. NCSU M.S. Thesis
Douglas, Grace L. 2011. Application of integration tools for functional genomics analysis of lactobacilli. Ph.D. Functional Genomics. NCSU.
Fox, K. 2011. The impact of heating and acidification on flavor of whey protein isolate.MS thesis. Summer
Li, X. The influence of process time and heat treatment on bleaching efficacy of liquid whey and retentate. Master’s thesis. Summer 2011.
Listiyani, M. Influence of temperature and bleaching agent on flavor of 34 % whey protein concentrate and benzoic acid concentration in dried whey proteins. Master’s thesis. Spring 2011.
Rodrigues da Cunha, Luciana. 2011. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Lactobacillus gasseri isolated from a newborn infant. Ph.D. Universidad Federal de Vicosa. Vicosa, Minas Gerais-Brasil.
Graduate Theses Completed 2010
Barden, L.M. Textural Properties of Cheddar Cheese. North Carolina State University, M. S. thesis.
Campbell, R.E. 2010. The role of starter culture and annatto on whey protein flavor. M.S. thesis, North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC.
Graduate Theses Completed 2009
Dixon, E., Whey permeate, delactosed permeate, and delactosed whey as ingredients to lower sodium content of cream based soups. M.S. (Nutrition), December 2008.
Evans, J.P. 2009. Sensory and flavor properties of serum and whey protein concentrates. North Carolina State University. M.S. thesis.
Liaw, I. Flavor and flavor stability of Cheddar and Mozzarella whey and whey protein. M.S. thesis, North Carolina State University, Fall, 2009.
Lovette, M.D. 2010. Beta-lactoglobulin complexed vitamin D in an aqueous solution: formulation and bioavailability. Ph.D. Dissertation (Food Science), North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
Pfeiler, Erika. 2009. The genomic basis of bile tolerance in Lactobacillus acidophilus. Ph.D. Thesis, NCSU
Prashant Mudgal, 2009, Dissertation: Aggregation mechanisms of a whey protein model system at low pH. Ph.D. Thesis, NCSU
Rogers, N.R. 2009. The Effect of fat content and aging on the texture of Cheddar cheese. Master’s thesis. North Carolina State University.
Watson, D. 2009. Optimization of recovery of key Cheddar cheese flavor compounds from full fat and reduced fat Cheddar cheeses. M.S. thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Fall.
Whitson, M.E. Impact of liquid whey and liquid retentate storage on flavor. M.S. thesis, Fall 2009.
Graduate Theses Completed 2008
Asghar, A. Ph.D. (Food Science and Technology) Effect of dairy protein ingredients on frozen bread dough. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2008. (Under the direction of F. Anjum and J. C. Allen)
Evans, J.P. M.S. 2009. Sensory and flavor properties of serum and whey protein concentrates. North Carolina State University.
Fogleman, A. M.S. (Nutrition) The Effect of Storage Time and Temperature on Nutritional Components in Human Breast Milk. 2009
Rogers, N. M.S. 2008, The Effect of Fat Content and Aging on the Texture of Cheddar Cheese. NC State University, Raleigh.
Trahan, C. M.S. 2008 Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM survival in acidified yogurts. NC State University, Raleigh.
Graduate Theses Completed 2007
M. Lovett. 2007. Calcium Chloride and Vitamin D Fortified Beverages: Bioavailability in Wistar Rats. M.S. in Food Science, NCSU.
Kristin M. Price. 2007. Microstructure and Functionality of Processed Cheese: The Role of Milk Fat. M.S. in Food Science, NCSU.
S.E.Zevchak. 2007. The impact of agglomeration on flavor and flavor stability of whey proteins. M.S. thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Tristan Berry 2008. Foaming Properties, Interfacial Properties, and Foam Microstructure of Egg White Protein and Whey Protein Isolate, Alone and in Combination. M.S. in Food Science, NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2006
Jason W. Beecher. 2006. Factors Regulating Astringency of Whey Protein-fortified Beverages. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
R. Logan Buck. 2006. Functional Analysis of Adhesion Factors and Signaling Mechanisms in Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Ph.D. Dissertation in Microbiology, NCSU.
Angela E. Dobson. 2006. Identification of an Operaon Involved in the Production Lactacin B, a Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Andrea J. Krause. 2006. Evaluation of Consumer Acceptance and Storage Stability of Butter. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Paula A. Schneider. 2006. Aggregation of alpha-lactalbumin at pH 3.5 to 6.0. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2005
Alissa Caudle. 2005. Flavor and flavor formation of skim milk powder. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Jack P. Davis. 2005. Investigations into the mechanisms responsible for the yield stress of protein based foams. Ph.D. Dissertation in Food Science, NCSU.
Alleson Dobson. 2005. Identification of an operon involved in the production of lactacin B, a baceriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Julie I. Eledah. 2005. Calcium chloride-fortified beverages: threshold, consumer acceptability and calcium bioavailability. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Rong Reynolds. 2005. Spray drying of Beta-lactoglobulin-vitamin a and Beta-lactoglobulin-vitamin D complexes. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2004
Rodolphe Barrangou. 2004. Functional genomic analyses of carbohydrate unitization by Lactobacillus acidophilus. Ph.D. Dissertation in Functional Genomics, NCSU.
Janine Beucler. 2004. Design of a thirst-quenching beverage from whey permeate. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Jessica L. Childs. 2004. Factors regulating shreddability of cheese. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Ahmed S. Eissa. 2004. Enzymatic modification of whey protein gels at low pH. Ph.D. Dissertation in Chemical Engineering, NCSU.
Jon D. Firebaugh. 2004. Characterization and application of a derivatized whey ingredient. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Nicole Souther. 2004. Development of a multiplex PCR to identify Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, a probiotic organism. M.S. Thesis in Food Science, NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2003
Qixin Zhong. 2003. Cooling effects on the functionality and microstructure of processed cheese. Ph.D. Dissertation in Food Science. NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2002
Mary Carunchia. 2002. Impact of starter culture rotation on commercially produced liquid Cheddar cheese whey. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Amanda L.Dees. 2002. Effects of various ingredients on a model process cheese system. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Thomas A. Glenn III. 2002. A rheological analysis of complex geometries with applications to food process engineering. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Michelle Leach. 2002. Application of Microwave Technology to Process Cheese Production. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2001
Matthew D. Burke. 2001. Enzymatic modification of biopolymer solutions and gydrogels. Ph.D. Dissertation in Chemical Engineering Department, NCSU.
Rebecca H. Clark. 2001. Distribution and sain polymorphisms in probiotic Lactobacilli. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Jack P. Davis. 2001. The effects of NaCl, CaC12, lactose and pH on the foaming properties of whey proteins. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Heather M. Hudson. 2001. Physical and functional characterization of whey thickening ingredients produced from a novel protein derivatization procedure. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Steogeb McInvale. 2001. Development of a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay to detect slt mRNA of Shigatoxin producing Escherichia coli in food enrichments. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Michael W. Russell. 2001. Development of molecular tools for the study of intestinal and probiotic lactobaCP1.Ph.D. Dissertation, Microbiology, NCSU.
Tracy R.Tuler. 2001. The overexpression of lactococcal peptidases in the presence of a novel enzyme externalization system in Lactococcus lactis. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Christopher P. Wilcox. 2001. The application of immobilized enzymes in the modification of dairy proteins as well as the isolation and partial characterization of CD36 from milk . Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 2000
Addie D. Anderson. 2000. Rheological characterization of dairy-based systems stabilized with carageenan. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Mark A. Cullison. 2000. Use of zirconium hydroxide and magnetized zirconium hydroxide for the concentration of pathogens from representative dairy products. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Melissa M. Fenn. 2000. Enzymatically-derived flavor concentrates to improve the flavor and acceptability of reduced-fat cheese. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Hany Girgis. 2000. Stress Adaptation of lactic acid bacteria. M. S. Thesis. NCSU.
Matthew K. McGuffey. 2000. Electrostatic effects on the physical properties of particulate whey protein isolate gels. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Chris W. Pernell. 2000. Comparison of the functional properties of egg white proteins and whey protein isolate in aerated food systems. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Myke L. Rich. 2000. The effects of sugars on whey protein isolate gelation. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Ju Jean Shaw. 2000. M.S., Nutrition. Bioavailability of oil-based and B-lactoglobulin complexed vitamin A in a rat model. NCSU.
Sudhir Tamarapu. 2000. Development of a multiplex PCR for detection of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. M.S. Thesis. Mississippi State University.
Ross M. Tomaino. 2000. Impact of starter culture on liquid Cheddar cheese whey. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Bongkosh (Jaeb) Vardhanabhuti. 2000. Polymerized whey protein isolates: characterization, rheological, and gelation properties. Ph. D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 1999
D. Carey Walker. 1999. Localization of the IS-3 group insertion element IS1223 at strategic positions in the Lactobacillus genome near genetic determinants for lactose utilization, conjugation and bacteriocin production. Ph.D. Dissertation. Microbiology, NCSU.
Shirley A. Walker. 1999. Molecular characterization of the late promoter and surrounding region of the lytic, lactococcal bacteriophage 31 and its use in the development of expression systems for Lactococcus lactis. Ph.D. Dissertation. Food Science, NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 1998
Hengameh G. Allen. 1998. Effects of trivalent chromium and casein on serum lipids, glucose, and insulin, and cell membrane cholesterol and phospholipids. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Barry L. Baxter 1998. Use of adjunct cultures and elevated temperatures in reduced fat Cheddar cheese. M.S. Thesis. Mississippi State University.
Buffy Marie Beard. 1998. Thermal resistance of bacterial spores in milk-based beverages supplemented with nisin. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Jill A. Brindisi. 1998. Influence of commercial enzymes on volatile profiles and sensory characteristics of hydrolyzed milk samples. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Angela Cauley. 1998. Methods development to determine the allergenicity of milk proteins in an animal model. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
H. DY Chen. 1998. Identification of human milk antibacterial factors and the effect of temperature on activity. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Denise C. Crowell. 1998. Microbial analysis of human intestinal flora after feeding Lactobacillus acidophilus. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Nikki Drye. 1998. Functionality and antioxidant activity of whey phospholipids. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Pat Etcheverry. 1998. Bioactive peptides in milk hydrolysates. M. S. Thesis. NCSU.
Elizabeth A. Gwartney 1998. Texture and flavor release. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
T.L. Hicks. 1998. The effect of vitamin fortification procedures upon final vitamin A & D concentrations in fluid milk products. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
P.A. Jenny. 1998. Designing a triggered suicide system for phage defense of Streptococcus thermophilus. M.S. Thesis, Microbiology, NCSU.
Kyle Jensen. 1998. Use of adjunct cultures in reduced-fat Jarlsberg-type cheese. M. S. Thesis. Mississippi State University.
Charles A. Leduc. 1998. Discrepancies in the methods of testing butterfat used for the purchase and sale of milk. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Graduate Theses Completed 1997-96
Gwen A. Allison 1997. Molecular analysis of lactacin F, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus johnsonii, and novel genetic applications in lactic acid bacteria. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
K.J. Aryana. 1997. Microstructure of some dairy foods and food protein gels. Ph.D. Dissertation. Mississippi State University.
Elaine L. Bowland. 1997. Fundamental rheological and microstructural analyses of model processed cheese. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Diego Darquea. 1996. Development and characterization of a bioselective adsorption matrix for removal of Bacillus cereus spores from buffer and milk. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Gordana Djordjevic. 1997. Development of a triggered suicide system for bacteriophage defense. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Scott Evans. 1996. Heterologous expression of syseroxide dismutase in lactic acid bacteria. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
K. Farooq 1997. Effect of fat replacers on the physico-chemical properties of lowfat and nonfat dairy products. Ph.D. Dissertation. Mississippi State University.
W.L. Hadden. 1997. Effects of pH and chymosin on the physical properties of milk protein concentrate gels. M.S. Thesis. NCSU.
Kai Koo. 1997. Construction of a single chain antibody for bioselective adsorption of microorganisms as a processing technology. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Peychii Lee. 1996. Lipase immobilization by biospecific adsorption. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Ok-Jin Park. 1997. Preparation of casein phosphopeptides and characterization of their calcium binding and allergenicity. Ph.D. Dissertation. NCSU.
Debra Taylor. 1997. Assessing the environmental quality of food processing. M. S. Thesis. Mississippi State University.
Yonca Yukul 1997. Effect of carbonation on the shelf-life of yogurt. M.S. Thesis. Mississippi State University.